Wolsdorff Tobacco GmbH


Geschlossen bis Sa., 09:00 Uhr
(0451) 73535
Breite Str. 63
23552 Lübeck (Innenstadt)


Hier finden Sie die Öffnungszeiten von Wolsdorff Tobacco GmbH in Lübeck.


Dieses Unternehmen bietet Dienstleistungen in folgenden Branchen an:

Auszeichnungen und weitere Zertifikate

Bewertungen und Erfahrungsberichte



1 Bewertung


11880.com 5

Weitere Bewertungen
(nicht in Gesamtbewertung)
Yelp.de 1

google.de 4,5


Erfahrungsberichte *


vonA thanful person am 06. Juli 2018
A little valuation from me: An authentic tabcco shop in an style of new and vintage. Which has a big assortment of goods. Here you can find: -standard cigarette tobacco or cigarettes -pipe tobacco (which i found out is not found in the near surroundings or any shops) they have an good choice. Limited editions in every season,their own marks, all known brands like Mac Barens - W.O Larsen - Dunhill etc. and smaller not as known. -pipes now i was surprised, an well cared variety. Various brands and forms, limited year pipes and particular looking ones. -cigars here a really good and great variety from nonames, nicaragua, domenican, cuban and limited editions which mostly every month gets freshed or get an a whole new choice. Sure they dont have all but i was happy to find someone who loves and cares for them like me. They too have an selection of humidors which range from cheap to extravagant. For travelling or homely use. -a small collection of e cigaretts and liquid. (which has an competent sales asisstant which knows about what he is speaking) -Liqour like rum, whisky and a small variety of gin. (a range from young and aged ones) Anyone can find something if its as a gift or drinking and relaxing while smoking an cigar. I liked that its attuned to the cigars. -an less important point is lotto and newspaper But what i found hillarious was that other customers raged about their attidute about regular costumers, they respect and are friendly to any customer but i know that a regular is wellknown to the team and is on a more friendly side. (which i think only persons whith experience with the retail will know about) All in all my experince with them showed me an excellent shop and an competent and friendly team who knows about their collection.

* Bewertungen sind subjektive Meinungen von Nutzern unserer und anderer Portale. 11880.com überprüft die Bewertungen nicht auf Echtheit.

Karte & Route

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Sichere Daten - Immer aktuell

Wolsdorff Tobacco GmbH in Lübeck wurde aktualisiert am 18.07.2024.

Eintragsdaten vom 18.07.2024.