Glückswerkstatt GmbH


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(0651) 99179399
Sternstr. 6
54290 Trier (Innenstadt)
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Dieses Unternehmen bietet Dienstleistungen in folgenden Branchen an:


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Bewertungen und Erfahrungsberichte



2 Bewertungen

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(1) 2

Weitere Bewertungen
(nicht in Gesamtbewertung) 5

(11) 4,4


Erfahrungsberichte *

ein Kunde überCylex am 18. Dezember 2022
Meine Freundin und ich waren gestern, 17.12.22 in ihrem Laden in der Sternstr. 6 Ich kaufte zwei...mehr lesen …

vonGast am 17. November 2019
Not very honest! Becareful! Money get in her pocket already, you wont get any refunds! Here is the truth what happened to me today. My boyfriend bought a pair of slippers and a pair of glove for me last week which I don't like them, so I looked at the bill if it noted the refund and exchange conditions. I find it strange that they don't explain that. I brought stuffs back to the shop, asked for refund (104,90€), but she, the owner said she don't do the refund, if you don't like it then take something else or get voucher for use other times! But stuffs from this shop is not my style, I confirmed to ask for refund, she said "it's a German law, to not give money back"!!?? She went to computer and said "you go back and google on internet! it said here on internet it's German law, nobody gives money back"!! (she see that I'm a foreigner so tried to bluff me ) I said this's not possible, I brought a sunglass of 300 euro in Trier, and it said clearly on ticket that can be refund. Then she said "This is my shop, my rule, I dont give money back" So I said "then you have to say on ticket you dont do refund, you are not being honest to customers" she said "it's you who has to ask before buy it, it's not my job to tell customers every times" OMG !! Till there was a customer spoke up and said I was right, I have right to get refunds, the owner, she got upset and told me to take stuffs back and get out of shop! I said No, I dont waste my time driving here 1 hour for nothing, and it's not fair to consumers. Then she tried to scare me off , she said " I have a friend, be police If you dont get out, I will call my friend to take you out"!!??? I said "yes! Call the police, I want things to be right and fair" And again she came back to computer said "Here you have to contact this department, and talk to them about German law" then I said then you contact now, call now and we talk together with 3, find out the truth. Then she said "you call yourself!" I knew She tried to trick me. Again she said " I will call my people to get you out of the shop! " I find she is really ridiculous! Im sick of her trying to scare me with her police friend. I asked her myself what is number of police, she said "find it yourself"! She saw that I really gonna call police, so she called before me, and I called the police as well, I said to the police " I have a problem here in shop, and it could be nice to have someone to come, and help find a compromise for us" while she called police to get me out of shop! Do you see mentality of the owner now? When police came, she spoke German to police for 1 minute, and police said to me if I dont want stuffs then you return and leave but dont get refunds! And police did not even ask me what's happened!!?? What did she say or do to me before! I know suddently they are friends. Police already pick a side before asked me what's happened! Ah yes! One more thing, before there was no sign say that The shop give only voucher to buy other stuffs, but not give money back, but the time police come, she put the paper there. I assume she put it on when I went out to get phone signal and make a call. I have a voice clip of what she said all since the beginning that can use to against her that she has been lying to me so that she not do the refunds. Together with the bill that dont say that she dont do refunds. As I work in a Law firm, I know if I do law suit, I have very high chance to win this case without paying any cents! Imagine yourself if you want to change what you already bought later, but there is no size or color anymore, she wont refund you but you have to take whatever in the shop even you don't need it.

* Bewertungen sind subjektive Meinungen von Nutzern unserer und anderer Portale. überprüft die Bewertungen nicht auf Echtheit.

Empfohlene Anbieter

Karte & Route

Weitere Kontaktdaten
(0651) 99179399
(0651) 99179398
Diese Anbieter aus der Umgebung bieten auch Dienste in Trier an.

Ähnliche Anbieter in der Nähe

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Geschenkartikel in Trier
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Woher kommen diese Daten?

Die 11880 Solutions AG betreibt seit 1997 eine von der Bundesnetzagentur lizensierte Auskunft. Zu diesem Zweck erhalten wir die Firmendaten von allen Telekommunikationsanbietern Deutschlands. Diese reichern wir mit Daten aus weiteren Quellen, inklusive Eigenrecherche und Nutzerfeedback an. hat mehr als 4,7 Mio. Firmeneinträge mit Adressen und Telefonnummern; davon:

  • mehr als 2 Mio. Unternehmen mit Öffnungszeiten
  • 2,7 Mio. mit E-Mail-Adressen und Website
  • 1,8 Mio. Firmen mit aggregierten Bewertungen von echten Menschen
Sichere Daten - Immer aktuell

Glückswerkstatt GmbH in Trier wurde aktualisiert am 28.05.2024.

Eintragsdaten vom 28.05.2024.