Autoverwertung Herborn Hakan Nenni e.K.


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35745 Herborn
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Hier finden Sie die Öffnungszeiten von Autoverwertung Herborn Hakan Nenni e.K. in Herborn, Hessen.


Dieses Unternehmen bietet Dienstleistungen in folgenden Branchen an:

Auszeichnungen und weitere Zertifikate

Bewertungen und Erfahrungsberichte



3 Bewertungen

Details 1

(1) 3

Weitere Bewertungen
(nicht in Gesamtbewertung) 4,3


Erfahrungsberichte *

ein Kunde überCylex am 20. August 2023
if I could start with LESS 5 stars.... Much to my regret, this will be the most negative and...mehr lesen …

vonGast am 20. August 2023
if I could start with LESS 5 stars.... Much to my regret, this will be the most negative and unpleasant review of a service I have ever been offered. After being without my car for a total of 4 months, it now turns out that the repair he did for me was damaged. My car is now unroadworthy!!! he says it is not his responsibility, he just tells me that it is my fault and that if I want to pay him for his hours to look at it and fix it if necessary, but the problem is that you repaired the engine 3 weeks before and I don't even have a warranty on your part, not even on your work...? Besides, how can I trust you when you always tell me: "I'll start tomorrow with your car, don't worry! But it never happened. Neni, you seem to be a professional, but you're not, and you're even less responsible and honest, which says a lot about a person, you know? to tell me at the end of March: "Yes, bring me the car and I'll fix it! "I have 30 years experience" "If I can't fix it, I'll let you know and we'll change the engine, I've got the same one" The weeks went by and I was deluded and stupid to trust that you would start this week, but you didn't. I went to see him once a week to make sure he started, but he told me that he had a lot of work and that he was alone and that if he finished with the car he had in front of him, he would start with mine, but every week he was with a different car and a new excuse. until after 9 weeks he decided to start. there were several problems with the car that he was responsible for fixing, the cylinder head, the entire installation of the vehicle refrigeracion, including avitacle filter, complete timing belt kit....2.700 € thrown away because now the gases are coming out of the engine through the cooling system and after having checked this problem with 3 PROFESSIONAL mechanics, they tell me that the work you did was not done well and not finished well. you made me drive with water in the cooling system for 4 weeks! And having problems during that and then you made me replace more parts on the car! no neni i can't take it anymore i am very disappointed that i have lost money and a car and the time of my life. I hope the people you rip off are people like you who deserve the same karma as you, because no one deserves your repair service.

ein Kunde überCylex am 06. September 2022
Hakan Nenni war ehr freundlich und hilfbereit. Er hat zurückgerufen, um uns mitzueilen, dass er die...mehr lesen …

* Bewertungen sind subjektive Meinungen von Nutzern unserer und anderer Portale. überprüft die Bewertungen nicht auf Echtheit.

Empfohlene Anbieter

Karte & Route

Weitere Kontaktdaten
(02772) 570892
(02772) 571826
Diese Anbieter aus der Umgebung bieten auch Dienste in Herborn, Hessen an.

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Woher kommen diese Daten?

Die 11880 Solutions AG betreibt seit 1997 eine von der Bundesnetzagentur lizensierte Auskunft. Zu diesem Zweck erhalten wir die Firmendaten von allen Telekommunikationsanbietern Deutschlands. Diese reichern wir mit Daten aus weiteren Quellen, inklusive Eigenrecherche und Nutzerfeedback an. hat mehr als 4,7 Mio. Firmeneinträge mit Adressen und Telefonnummern; davon:

  • mehr als 2 Mio. Unternehmen mit Öffnungszeiten
  • 2,7 Mio. mit E-Mail-Adressen und Website
  • 1,8 Mio. Firmen mit aggregierten Bewertungen von echten Menschen
Sichere Daten - Immer aktuell

Autoverwertung Herborn Hakan Nenni e.K. in Herborn wurde aktualisiert am 04.05.2024.

Eintragsdaten vom 16.01.2023.